Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Tree Falls on Crossover Campus

Photo credit: Robert Leal

On Thursday, June 11, a large tree fell on the playground at the Crossover location, crushing playground equipment and causing damage to the building.

"I wasn't there when it happened, but I saw the damage the next day. It was scary," Office Assistant Corrina Luna said.

While the school was closed for the summer and the children, who had their last day on Tuesday, were all gone, several employees were on-site. The event occured in the afternoon after the morning storms had passed.

"It was weird, it was so calm. There wasn't any wind or anything. It was just sunny out," Associate Director of Technology and Design Robert Leal said.

Employees reported hearing a loud noise and feeling the floor shake when it happened. The tree touched powerlines when it fell, but no large fires erupted. The fire department arrived shortly after the incident was reported and contained the situation.

"I'm just thankful the kids weren't here when it happened." Executive Director Gayle Nave said.

One large playground structure is completely destroyed and the tree is currently being removed from the area. The structure will need to be replaced, but there is no word yet on how much it will cost Mi Escuelita.

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