Wednesday, September 9, 2009

New Website Launched

Photo credit: Clarissa Brockway

This summer, ExxonMobil selected Mi Escuelita and other nonprofit organizations in Dallas for their Community Summer Job Program. ExxonMobil granted each organization money in order to hire an intern for the summer. Mi Escuelita chose to find an intern to completely redesign and rebuild their website.

After reviewing several applicants, Mi Escuelita chose Clarissa Brockway, a senior Arts and Technology major at the University of Texas at Dallas with seven years of web design experience.

"I knew this was the job for me right away. Not only was I going to be doing what I love, but I was also going to do it for an incredible organization," Brockway said.

Over the course of eight weeks, Brockway worked closely with Mi Escuelita employees to determine what would need to be changed on the website.

"We felt it needed a complete redesign that would make it visually appealing, better organized, easier to update, and more informative," Brockway said.

After presenting and reworking several designs, the Mi Escuelita site went live on September 9, 2009. The site features drop-down menus that allow for multiple pages divided into categories, more photos of the children, and a clean, browser-friendly design.

"It was important to me that we make the site accessible to as many people as possible. It would be a shame to miss out on a donation or a volunteer because he or she couldn't figure out or load the site," Brockway said.

The completed site is now available to be viewed at and will see several changes throughout its lifetime. As more content is received, the site will be updated and improved by both the Mi Escuelita staff and Brockway, who could not bear to leave behind what she calls the most rewarding experience of her life.

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