Monday, September 28, 2009

Dallas Cowboys Bring BIG Excitement to Mi Escuelita!

Mi Escuelita Preschool sites are normally full of excitement but the afternoon of Wednesday September 22 was marked by little giggles mixed with big laughs when the Dallas Cowboys Rookie Club visited the children at Mi Escuelita’s Crossover site. The size differences didn’t seem to matter as groups of the preschoolers practiced jumping jacks and raced back and forth between linebackers who stood in for end posts. Everyone had a good time and some budding young quarterbacks demonstrated some well practiced throwing skills – who knows by the time they are old enough to play in the big leagues the NFL might have some female quarterbacks.

The rookies who visited Mi Escuelita were:
#7 Stephen McGee
#18 David Buehler
#36 Mike Hamlin
#57 Victor Butler
#58 Jason Williams
#85 Kevin Ogletree
#89 John Phillips
#5 Ruby Carpenter
#33 Mike Mickens
#60 Travis Bright
#87 Manuel Johnson
#79 Robert Brewster
#55 Stephen Hodge
#59 Brandon Williams

A big THANKS to the Dallas Cowboys, the Rookie Club, and Rowdy for a great fun filled afternoon. Need something to make you feel good? Click below to see the fun and games.

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