Tuesday, February 22, 2011

A Few February Activities

February is a busy month in the classrooms: we celebrated 100 days of school, Chinese New Year, and participated in a Give Love project. We had great participation!

Here are a few pictures of our kids celebrating Chinese New Year. We had to celebrate a little late, as the snow days kept us at home on the real holiday!

Each site participates in a Give Love program during February. For the last three years, Crossover has collected stuffed animals and visited Scottish Rite Hospital to pass them out to the patients there. It is important to us to teach our children to give back to the community, and they really enjoy it! The kids also really liked seeing all the sights at the hospital--they have a lot of big fish tanks and kid-friendly artwork and sculptures. When they finished passing out their stuffed animals, they sang a few songs in the atrium. Here are a few pictures:

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